Monday, April 15, 2013


Celebrating Rob's first marathon has turned into thanking God that he's alive and worrying for others...

Monday, April 1, 2013

Wounded Warrior

My husband will be walking in the Boston Marathon in a few weeks with some of his army buddies to benefit Wounded Warrior.  I say walking, but they will be in their ACU's and carrying a ruck sack weighing between 40-60 lbs. 
This got me thinking what do people think of when they hear wounded warrior?  I think of this

and this   but not this

I know there is help out there for our soldiers, I just wish there was more for the families, wives, girlfriends mothers fathers and anyone else who loves a soldier.  Who can we talk to?

I remember hearing some wives and mothers talking about how their soldier came home and couldn't drive by an overpass without tensing up. I didn't think it would happen he seemed fine. Then we went to Disney. We were on the Safari ride and as they are chasing poachers away you hear what sounds like gun fire and that was it I saw the look tense, sweating and I couldn't figure it out. That was all it took.
I wonder what is going on I don't know the extent of what he's seen and I don't want to know. I just wish I knew what to say or do or even what to look for.
They come back and don't look wounded but you don't know what goes on behind those eyes.

Anyone else had to deal with this? Any advise?