Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ryan has this thing with guns it's in every picture he draws.  I hate it! I know he's a boy, am I just not sure if this fascination is normal.  It has started to worry me, and Rob.  He loves history and knows more than I ever did (OK do) about the Revolutionary war, and the Civil war.  This is where his interest comes from.  He does love his toy army guys, and I love stepping on them since they camoflauge right into the rug.  He really is a sweet kid I just want him to stop drawing guns. It's not like he just draws a gun it is usually in a haad like a pilgrim a soldier or some Star wars character  I asked him last night to please stop drawing guns, and what was his response?

He asks is it ok if I draw a picture of the factory that makes guns???  What goes on in his head?

Is he a just being a boy ?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cook book

This is my favorite cook book right now. 

I love reading cook books, I love seeing what's in a recipe and how it all comes togeteher it's better than a mystery novel and I can practically taste it by the last step.

Jamie's food revolution is great, simple, easy and so yummy.  I have tried at least 4 of the recipes and have loved 4 out of the 5.  I just made the Best Green Beans, and he was not lying they were fabulous.  Thanks for first of all getting my husband to eat a veggie that is not a potato, and that it was tasty.  I have also made the crunchy Garlic chicken which went over so well with the hubby and kids!

I will definitely pass this on to anyone who wants to listen. I am also planning on inviting over some friends to have them make and taste these yummy recipes so they can see for themselves how quick it is to cook good food. There are so many more I want to try.

I really hope this food revolution catches on.  I think homemade food is so much better for you and just tastes better.

Please let me know if you have tried any recipes and how you liked them.  Remember to pass it on!

Summer Food

I was on a cooking frenzy last night.  I love fresh food, who doesn't?  I made the most delicious appetizer.  I took some tomato's and seeded them and chopped them.  I placed them in a bowl with some balsamic vinegar, good olive oil and just let them sit and soak.

Then I took some Italian bread and sliced it and brushed olive oil, sprinkled with some sea salt, and pepper.  Broiled the bread on low and flipped once to broil to the other side.  Once cooled put the tomato mixture on top of the yummy, crunchy bread and let it melt in your mouth!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Don't you love it when you find the perfect recipe?  I have made at least 20 bad or just ok batches of Blueberry Muffins, and then I found the ONE.  I loved every last crumb.  Really reminds me of Dunkin Donuts muffin.  If you want to try it here is the recipe:

Let me know if you love it as much as I did!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” Dr. Suess

Monday, May 10, 2010


I will be more organized ~ I started this weekend by cleaning out the boy's closets. There were a few tears shed when I realized how big they are getting :( Ryan did say it was nice to find the "army guys" when he wanted to play with them. It would also be nice to find my phone, before it goes to voicemail.

I will spend more good times with my kids ~ I am putting them first and letting the laundry go * I know this just made my #1 goal impossible! I just don't want to look back and think "Why did I let all those moments pass and not enjoy them."