Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ryan has this thing with guns it's in every picture he draws.  I hate it! I know he's a boy, am I just not sure if this fascination is normal.  It has started to worry me, and Rob.  He loves history and knows more than I ever did (OK do) about the Revolutionary war, and the Civil war.  This is where his interest comes from.  He does love his toy army guys, and I love stepping on them since they camoflauge right into the rug.  He really is a sweet kid I just want him to stop drawing guns. It's not like he just draws a gun it is usually in a haad like a pilgrim a soldier or some Star wars character  I asked him last night to please stop drawing guns, and what was his response?

He asks is it ok if I draw a picture of the factory that makes guns???  What goes on in his head?

Is he a just being a boy ?

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