Monday, October 10, 2011

Groundhog Day!

It feels like I have been through this before.  Oh, wait I have!  This is the THIRD deployment for my family.  You may think that by now it's a piece of cake, I can do this with my eyes closed.  So wrong.  I think each deployment is different.  It has some constants like I know he will be leaving, I know it's going to feel like an eternity and I know it will all be left for  me to handle.  I also know that everything and anything that can breakdown or leak will do so days after he leaves, or better yet, let's throw in a tropical storm those are always fun and uncalled for .  Other than that nothing is the same!

I am on my fourth month and half way through and still feel like time is standing still.  I have learned a lot as I do when he's away.  One thing I have learned this time ( if you tell him I will deny it) is how much he actually does.  I had no idea all the time yard work took! Being a a mom and dad at the same time is impossible.  We are trying to get through it and  missing him like crazy every day and still trying to have a good time.

Anyone else been though a deployment and wants to share anything that makes it easier?

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