Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ready, Set, GO!!!

A day in the "Glamourous" life of an Army wife. 

It’s Wednesday and my day starts with a phone call at 6:45. I love being woken up by my husband. We talk for 15-20 minutes. I fill him in on anything new with the kids or anything interesting. He fills me in, on what he’s been up to and he has been working hard lately! The phone call ends with a bunch of sappy I love you’s and I miss you, which doesn’t even come close to convey how I badly I miss him right now.

I Love you, I love you too!

By the time our phone call is over I have Ethan up, (if you call curled under a blanket, lying on the sofa up). I have my coffee and make sure his lunch is ready to go and, throw an eggo in the toaster (really gourmet stuff). Did I mention I am not a morning person?!

Once I am back from dropping Ethan off now I have to get Ryan his breakfast and get him dressed. He needs to be watched last year he went to school with his pj’s under his clothes, and he is notorious for putting everything on backwards.

By 8:30 we are out the door to drop Ryan off. Before we leave I nearly trip over Ethan’s gym bag which he has left right in front of the stairs, and yes he has gym today. I feel bad but I am not bringing it to him. I have made so many trips to his school, and he was fooling around last night so I am standing firm and not doing, but I feel so bad he is going to be upset.

At 9:00 I am pulling into the parking lot at work. I can run in and make it just in time. But nothing is ever easy, my lunch bag is some how caught under the passenger seat. I climb out of my car run around to the other side my shiny green apple goes flying onto the pavement. I finally free my bag and go chase my apple down which somehow has rolled three cars away.

Is it 3 o’clock yet? I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day will bring. Is anyone else ready for a nap before your “real” day begins?

1 comment:

  1. Great documenting of the hustle and bustle of the morning!
