Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Year

I can't believe it's been a year since the deployment ended.  It went by to quickly, of course much quicker than the deployment.
It was a year ago that I was telling everyone that today is the day my husband comes home, after being in Afghanistan. 

On our way!
I could not contain all of my excitement ( you could even say I was giddy, just a bit) I was up early cleaning throwing a pot roast in the crock pot and shaving every inch of my body. Which is one thing I did not miss doing. I wanted everything to be perfect!  I am a bit of a control freak, so I have been told.
We headed down to the the Warwick Armory which is an old building with nothing but four walls and cement floors.  I was excited and nervous.  I was going to be leaving today with my husband and it wasn't for a visit this was it!  The deployment was over.  Our family would be back together.  The guys would be landing across the street at the airport and walking over. 


Our family would be back together, soon!  As soon as the guys landed you could hear a roar; they were greeted by the Freedom Riders, News reporters, and a cheering crowd.  The excitement was contagious.

That journey was over but a new one is beginning.  It's hard to have your family torn apart for a year.  I didn't mind the sacrifice and it was lonely at times. No one understands that the soldiers come back but they don't come back to what they left.  The kids are older, roles have changed.  They come back to a community that has forgotten about the war.  They have also changed some matured some are processing all they have seen.
It is great having them home but it doesn't all fall into place immediately.

I may have to change the title of this blog, what do you think?

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