Friday, September 11, 2009

My me day

Yesterday, Thursday I had the whole day off. But it was not just that I had the whole day off with NO KIDS!!!

I love my kids but it was so nice to take some time for myself. I am a little embarrassed to admit this but I spent almost 5 hours at the mall!!! I got some really good deals.

I always feel guilty when I drop off my kids like I feel like I am bothering the person that is watching them, and then I am missing them the whole time I am away. Now that they are both in school all day I felt free to enjoy myself. I have every other Thursday off since I work every other Saturday.

I do have to let you know that at Victoria's Secret they have make-up I am a Make-up addict I will take pictures of my make up closet one day it's a little too much. They have great make-up if you have never tried it I suggest you try it for yourself. At the one that I go to they have a booklet with a coupon on the back if you spend $30 save $10. They have lip gloss for $8 and lip stick around $10.00 which if you have gone to CVS you know that a tube of Lipstick will cost you about the same and this is good stuff. I heard that MAC and VS makeup are very comparable.

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