Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to School

It's been a while but there is a good reason. I have been getting 2 boys ready for back to school. My youngest Ryan started all day Kindergarten. He is loving every minute. He is normally not very talkative, but since he started school he has been filling me in on what he does. He loves gym and having lunch in the same cafeteria as his big brother.

I think the worst was the first day leaving him there all day . I was sure I would be getting a phone call to come pick him up but he adjusted just fine. I felt sick leaving him.

We also had some fun on Ethan's first day of school. I Left work at 3 and went to my mom's house to wait for the bus. The boys get dropped of at Grandma's house because there is always someone there. Well I started waiting for the bus at 3:30 and by 4:00 he still hadn't showed up. Ryan was with me waiting since he didn't start until the next day. While we are waiting Rob has just arrived at our house and heard the message that Ethan is on a bus and they are trying to verify where to drop him off. It's not a good feeling picturing your 8 year old on a bus especially since Ethan tends to be a nervous person. I drove to the school and as I am pulling into the school my mom called to let me know that Ethan was dropped off. WHAT A RELEIF!!!

It turns out Ethan told them they were putting him on the wrong bus but no one would listen. For 3 years he has been dropped off at teh same place. Thankfully the next day it was all set.

Anyone else have any fun back to school stories???

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