Thursday, November 3, 2011

First let me start by saying I am the worst morning person! I was not made to function before 10. It’s too bad that the kid’s school and work does not take this into account. On top of not being a morning person I feel like every one and everything is out to make me later than I already am. Anyone else feel like this?

Let me tell you about this morning. I wake up with this lovely buzzing sound that infiltrates my dreams and knocks me into reality. I get up rub the sleep from my eyes and look for my sweatshirt and slippers because BRRR it’s freezing. I walk past the kids rooms and find their sheets kicked back and their beds empty. They are downstairs playing WII.

I always yell down the stairs “Good Morning”, and they come running up. This morning Ethan tells me that he doesn’t feel good and then Ryan tells me he feels like he might throw up, oh wait it’s just a sneeze. I have never confused a sneeze for that but whatever.

The boys are now staring out the window and looking at the DPW trucks that are now outside out my house. I should have known then that something was up. I pack Ethan’s lunch and we head out the door for my first drop off did I mention its 7:30 AM.    

Ryan and I come back to the house and now my road is completely blocked off. I settle Ryan in with his breakfast and tell him I am going to shower. At least that is what I thought. I get to the bathroom and quickly realize there in no water. NONE!!! How can this be? No one warned me. Shouldn’t I have had some sort of notice? This just doesn’t seem right. I need a shower, it’s that time of the month and I just don’t feel so fresh. Hope no one at work stands to close to me today.

Did anyone else morning go this smoothly???

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ready, Set, GO!!!

A day in the "Glamourous" life of an Army wife. 

It’s Wednesday and my day starts with a phone call at 6:45. I love being woken up by my husband. We talk for 15-20 minutes. I fill him in on anything new with the kids or anything interesting. He fills me in, on what he’s been up to and he has been working hard lately! The phone call ends with a bunch of sappy I love you’s and I miss you, which doesn’t even come close to convey how I badly I miss him right now.

I Love you, I love you too!

By the time our phone call is over I have Ethan up, (if you call curled under a blanket, lying on the sofa up). I have my coffee and make sure his lunch is ready to go and, throw an eggo in the toaster (really gourmet stuff). Did I mention I am not a morning person?!

Once I am back from dropping Ethan off now I have to get Ryan his breakfast and get him dressed. He needs to be watched last year he went to school with his pj’s under his clothes, and he is notorious for putting everything on backwards.

By 8:30 we are out the door to drop Ryan off. Before we leave I nearly trip over Ethan’s gym bag which he has left right in front of the stairs, and yes he has gym today. I feel bad but I am not bringing it to him. I have made so many trips to his school, and he was fooling around last night so I am standing firm and not doing, but I feel so bad he is going to be upset.

At 9:00 I am pulling into the parking lot at work. I can run in and make it just in time. But nothing is ever easy, my lunch bag is some how caught under the passenger seat. I climb out of my car run around to the other side my shiny green apple goes flying onto the pavement. I finally free my bag and go chase my apple down which somehow has rolled three cars away.

Is it 3 o’clock yet? I can’t wait to see what the rest of the day will bring. Is anyone else ready for a nap before your “real” day begins?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some people

Some people just have a great heart.!/HolidayHopeForHeros

Our goal is to supply as many troops with care packages that we possibly can, through the holiday season and hopefully throughout the year. ALL proceeds go to buying items needs for the troops and any shipping cost there may be.


Just when you think that the whole world has forgotten we are at war someone surprises you!

Does this make me a bad person?

This will probably sounds awful but I get sick of the question. “How’s Rob doing?”

I am fine thanks for asking. Don’t they see me, standing here with my hair all over the place my house is a mess I am stressed all the time and usually have one of my kids glued to my side. Can’t they see I also want to be acknowledged? Can’t they see I am also having a hard time here? Maybe they don’t want hear my answer.

I didn’t sign up for the Army, but I did marry my husband knowing he loved the military. I just didn’t realize that not only does he make sacrifice but so do I and the kids and I would like to hear a “How are you doing?” before they ask about Rob. Is that too much to ask? I will try not to unload on you too much.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Groundhog Day!

It feels like I have been through this before.  Oh, wait I have!  This is the THIRD deployment for my family.  You may think that by now it's a piece of cake, I can do this with my eyes closed.  So wrong.  I think each deployment is different.  It has some constants like I know he will be leaving, I know it's going to feel like an eternity and I know it will all be left for  me to handle.  I also know that everything and anything that can breakdown or leak will do so days after he leaves, or better yet, let's throw in a tropical storm those are always fun and uncalled for .  Other than that nothing is the same!

I am on my fourth month and half way through and still feel like time is standing still.  I have learned a lot as I do when he's away.  One thing I have learned this time ( if you tell him I will deny it) is how much he actually does.  I had no idea all the time yard work took! Being a a mom and dad at the same time is impossible.  We are trying to get through it and  missing him like crazy every day and still trying to have a good time.

Anyone else been though a deployment and wants to share anything that makes it easier?