Monday, August 17, 2009

Do it your-self (kinda)

I had this crazy idea that I could build a patio all by myself. Thanks HGTV. They make it look so easy.

So, I started working on it. Really I just made a huge hole in my backyard. I just dug away and filled the wheel barrel up with so much dirt that I made the tire go flat. My husband kept calling me up saying "It's getting dark, come up". Oh there was no way I was stopping I felt like I was accomplishing so much , it was just a tiny dent.

Well it's been almost a month and I haven't done anything else. Rob had to take over my patio which went from an 8 x 10 to an 8 x 5 and now it might just be a 5 x5. What ever it takes to finish this project which looked so easy, I though I could finish it in a weekend. Rob had to finish leveling it and digging some more.

I also ended up injured from all the digging. I had to make a Dr's appointment and tell them about all the pain I was in and how I was not even able to sleep. Turn out I have Sciatica . Can I tell you I think it hurts more than labor.

If it ever gets finished I will post some pictures. One good thing, the boys had fun picking up all the worms to use on their next fishing trip.

I think I have watched to many of those Home Depot commericals the "You can do it we can help." Where's the help?

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