Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ethan's Idea

This is Ethan my 8 year old. He had a brilliant idea yesterday, and I am not sure why no one else had thought of this. I love how an 8 year old mind works. It started with Ethan talking about The Homeless he started with, "Mom, do you have to pay to get a job?" I explained to him, how that works. He thought a bit and said then, they can get jobs and then get a house. I had to explain to him that it's hard to find a job right now and you need to have transportation to get to work and clothes for the job. I told him maybe we could bring them food. Right now the homeless have been in the news around here you read all about it here: Ethan then says "I have and idea." I can't wait to hear this, "let's give them scratch tickets and maybe they will win some money." Why didn't I think of that? I had to laugh at least he is trying to come up with a way to help.

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