Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just Tuesday

This is just one day in the life of a mom. The alarm went off around 7:15, I took a shower. Before I can even get out of the shower Ryan, is at the door holding his best friend (a stuffed penguin, Loretta). He is in a panic asking if I have seen his Pirate eye patch. He really needs it because his left eye will not close so he wants to cover it with the patch. We go through the toy box in his room and it's not there. I told him I can pick one up at IParty, but he doesn't want one from there.

I have to leave to get to work woo-hoo early day! I leave work go to Stop and Shop, picked up some sale items. I get home and Rob is just getting back with the boys from the Golf Clinic. We head to the park it's so hot even the animals are being lazy. We come home and it's into the sprinkler, I love when you can do 2 things at once cool off the kids and water the lawn. Rob helped with dinner yay Rob. Now I am going to climb Mt. Laundry and get the kids in bed.

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