Monday, August 10, 2009

Trash Day

It's an exciting day at our house today, it's TRASH DAY!!!! Ethan, has been obsessed since he was 2. Everyone said, it's just a phase he will grow out of it. He is 8!!! He was also nice enough to pass his love for trash day along to Ryan. The trash men are like celebrities at our house. This week is really special since we have a new recycling bin, they can't wait to see how it works. What you want to see pictures, don't worry he has his camera ready. "Awesome that is way cool." is what I just heard them saying. I have never heard them say that about anything I do.
I never knew they made so many trash truck, recycling trucks. Ethan would wake up from a dead sleep if he heard the truck coming. Even in pre-school his teachers couldn't drag him away from the window I was spoken to a few times. What is the fascination?

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