Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Library- more than books

I love the library. Since I have kids I have really started to use it a lot more. I can't believe all the FREE stuff. At our library they have story time (hours are set up by age). Once a month they have a family night and a theme. You can rent movies and I am not talking about old stuff either. You can also rent excersice DVD- usually for two weeks.
I have also used the passes they offer to go to museum's, zoos, and the aquarium. With the pass you get a discount off the admission and in some case you can get in for free. Our libary also offers a search you can do from home and then they email you to let you know when the book or movie is ready to be picked up.
Their website also offer an e-books for kids. Where they can have a book read to them. Kind of like a book on tape only it's online, and you are looking at the pictures while listening to someone read the story.
So if I am not here you can find me at the library.

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